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zul albani abd. majid

The Work of

zul albani abd. majid


Contact by email
Studio Location  
Miro Art Studio
Miro B1-3A Block B, Tmn Putra Kajang
Kajang, Selangor 43000
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Studio Hours
Mailing Address
Miro Art Studio
Kajang 43000
Artist's Statement
" "
Art Statement:
" My paintings are a very literal reflection of life, whether good or bad. I regard my works as expressions of the transposition of cultural values. I feel that our core values are being overpowered by greed and desires that can only be satisfied with monetary wealth so that now life looks like it has become a circus. The reason I have placed by subjects in a circus setting is because culturally we rarely portray our opinions openly , but rather behind a facade. Because consumerism has become such an empowered force in our everyday lives . Additionally "Branding" has become an integral part of our world. In my paintings , text takes on a contextual meaning as it is meant to interact with the images. While it could be said that such expressionism may not be totally new - in today's world there is no copyright. And with such regard , I have added text so that my art may reach a broader audience as I would like more of the Malaysian public to view and appreciate art.' My series of paintings address the social- economic dilemmas that ordinary Malaysians are encountering in the name of Nation Building."
Kuda Sarkis (Circus Horse)

zul albani abd. majid Kuda Sarkis (Circus Horse)
Kuda Sarkis (Circus Horse)
CLASS: Mixed Media
MEDIA: Mixed Media On Canvas
SIZE: 50 x 39 inch
YEAR: 2013
PRICE: $100,000
Artist’s: Zul Albani Title of Artwork: Kuda Sarkis (Circus Horse)
Medium: Mixed Media On Canvas Size: 50 x 39 inche Year of make: 2013
Country: Malaysia

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